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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Text object manipulations:Edit text with new Text object manipulations. Use Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Polar, Pause, and other text geometry tools to edit text like a traditional line drawing.Multiple viewport drawing:Collaborate in a single drawing with multiple views, no matter if you are using a PC, tablet, or mobile device.Customizable viewport corners:Show the user a customizable arrangement of corners in their viewing area. (video: 1:41 min.)3D CAD:Add direct 3D CAD support to your DWG files for an easy move from 2D to 3D in one step. (video: 1:58 min.)Drafting Tools:Create electronic surface models (ESM) based on your sketches with the Drafting Tools and shape tools.Page layout:Create PDF pages using your drawing files and see how the pages will look when printed.Enhanced markers:Add or delete points to a drawing to easily make changes or adjustments.Command extensions:See and use existing command extensions right from the ribbon.Subscripts:Edit and view many existing objects with Subscripts, giving you a better idea of the structure of your design. (video: 2:12 min.)Online Help:Get a quick explanation of everything you need to know to get started.Access to online webinars and tutorials:Listen to Webinar sessions and take part in a class online with your friends, colleagues, and AutoCAD users from around the world.The software companies:Learn from and talk to software developers and offer feedback to AutoCAD at a glance.New feature release information:Stay informed about the latest AutoCAD features and learn about upcoming updates.Discover AutoCAD Video Series:Discover more about what’s new in AutoCAD by watching how-to videos and other short AutoCAD tutorials.Find AutoCAD at a GlanceNew features are added regularly and new languages are added frequently. See the AutoCAD 2023 feature release information below to find the information about AutoCAD 2023 that you want to see.AutoCAD to Go. Learn AutoCAD with thousands of 2be273e24d

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