Donations help Tallinn Bearty and help the world
People help people, because care and empathy are universal.
Over the years we have noticed raise of active donations to which we can only be ever so grateful. Wanting to give back comes to us in many forms.
If you are one of the people who feels can, and wants to support a cause like Tallinn Bearty, advancing equal rights locally and globally, you are always much welcome to forward your support to our TALLINN BEARTY PAYPAL DONATION page, with a note Donation in subject line.
We have in turn helped several times with collected share of donations Estonian LGBT Association. We know they are hard working and dedicated to the cause of advancing equal rights in society just like us. We try to give back to our donors likewise - the ones who can make it to Tallinn, to our events get as a minimum free entry. Every year we have also made effort to present our Superbears with a special gift of gratitude, usually a handmade unique item, that will keep our heart close to them.